Special offers run every weekend, Saturday and Sunday, on everything from electronics, to jewelry, to items for your home - all at Kmart Bluelight Special prices!
There are over 40 great Bluelight Specials throughout the weekend in-store AND other great offers online at Kmart.com ONLY on Saturday and Sunday.
Kmart is bringing back everyone's favorite: Bluelight Specials!
What do you remember of Kmart Bluelight Specials from the past?
What items would you LOVE to participate in Bluelight Specials today?
I remember my mom & I shopping in Kmart & hearing something about a bluelight special while I was watching Dynasty & waiting for my mom.
not too much!! Never got to stay long enough!! My kids were all small back then!!
GOSH who knows probably some kids toy or shoes or something like that I can use but sometimes their blue light I just scratch my head and keep walking.
No, I do not remember them.
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