Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Theme Thursday-Breakfast

My Favorite Breakfast At Home!

My Favorite Breakfast At A Restaurant!


  1. Oh yum! I love bacon...so bad for you, yet so tempting!

    Ok, I cheated, I stopped by before Thursday! Oh well! I'm going to post my "Breakfast" post on Thursday, so stop by then!

    BTW, cool blog! I have a "Mama Guilt Mondays" Meme if you're interested!

  2. Oh, I love croissants too.

    Especially after they've been warmed up in the oven.


  3. The first is my favorite breakfast anywhere!

  4. mmm...what time does it start? see i knew this theme was going to make me gain weight...

  5. What Brian said mirrors my thinking. It looks delicious!
    I’m up right HERE

  6. I'm with you all the way here. Yumm. Love croissants too.

  7. I'm with Brian! This has been a very fattening theme. Your pictures are especially rich and delicious, m'lady.

    My post for Theme Thursday is up here.

  8. I always think it a bit odd that you lot put maple syrup and pancakes on the same plate as eggs and bacon . . .I mean, would you put ice cream next to your steak and chips? Ah the French, they definitely have breakfast down pat!


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