Thursday, February 25, 2010

A Gaggle of...A Pride of...A Cloud of...A Swarm of...Friday Meme

Welcome to My Meme! Welcome to My Meme! Welcome to My Meme!

This one is a little different and I challenge you to participate! Each Friday I will announce a different theme for the following week. So, you may ask, what are the themes about? Look closely at the picture in my above badge. Do you see a school of goldfish? This week's theme is:

A Pride of...

There are several things that may fit here. I'm sure you'll catch on. We're working on names of groups of people, animals, things, insects, etc. Technically known as a COLLECTIVE NOUN. Check out my photo below if you need a hint!

Now all you have to do is post a photo on your blog, grab my badge so I know you're participating and come back here and place your POST URL into MckLinky!

Photos can be your own or from an image site like FLICKR or PHOTOBUCKET. Please identify those that aren't your own 'cause I'm going to have some contests periodically!

Now let's see what you can do!

My Photo!  A Pride of...

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The Memes I've Loved Before

Welcome to Ladyhightower's Meme Castle!
Ladyhightower's Castle for Memes is a safe haven where memes are invited to stay in order to rest but they rarely decide to leave. Life here in Ladyhightower's Great Hall is good for a meme, with peace and quiet and friends to play checkers with...