Monday, November 9, 2009

The Queen's Meme-Peace


1. How do you find your own personal peace/nirvana?
It has taken most of my adult life to get to where I am now, finally realizing that no peace can begin unless it begins within. But to me peace and nirvana are two widely different entities. Peace is God-given and God-driven; nirvana is of the earth.
2. Where do you go to find respite and solace?
Is there a particular place, city, country, room in your house?
My home is my sanctuary.It's where I return to get my bearings, to communicate with my God, to renew my spirit. I feel safe here.
3. Who is the most peace-loving person you know? What makes them so?
I cannot truly say that anyone in my wide circle of friends, relatives or acquaintances is the most peace-loving. In this day and age, I look to Gandhi and Mother Teresa. Though gone now, their influence lives on.
4. What do you do when your inner peace is threatened?
Do you have a strategy, a routine, religious faith, a calm yourself down?
I repeat over and over, "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me".
5. What is your favorite comfort food?
6. Do you have a pet that brings you happiness and peace? If not, what type of animals bring you peaceful thoughts?I do not own a pet nor does any animal bring me peaceful thoughts.

7. What is your favorite peace song?

"Blowin In The Wind"
8. Did you post a peace globe on November 5th and participate in BlogBlast For Peace?

If so, please repost your peace globe here with a link to your peace post so that the Queen's players can enjoy it. If not, join in! It's not too late. Here's how.


  1. Great answers! Your peace globe is lovely. My meme is up if you'd like to visit.

  2. I've put my answers up, my Lady. Super answers.

  3. Your answers were lovely. Your peace globe is awesome.

  4. my answers up! This is fun!

  5. Phil 4:13
    One of my favorites.

    LOVE your globe. I will get around to your post soon as I make my way through the Mr. Linky list. You did sign it, right?

    Thanks for playing the meme today. My life feels almost normal...sort of...getting there slowly.

  6. The journey never ends....great answers


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